Discover values-aligned investors

Accelerate your access to capital
If you represent an impact fund, social enterprise, or nonprofit seeking new sources of capital, join CapShift’s Research Engine.
You can reach thousands of values-aligned investors, philanthropists, and advisors seeking authentic impact solutions across a range of asset classes, social and environmental issue areas, and geographies. CapShift helps Individuals, Family Offices, Financial Advisors, Donor Advised Funds, and Foundations discover, execute, and monitor impact investments.
Joining our community is easy, efficient, and free of charge.
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More than 1,000 public, private, and nonprofit impact opportunities have been sourced by our team. Our two-step onboarding process is efficient and light-touch to minimize your time to listing.

How to be profiled on the Research Engine
Our Research Engine houses alternative funds, direct investments, and recoverable grant opportunities with clear impact alignment
General Criteria:
- US and Global opportunities
- Full spectrum of return profiles, including opportunities seeking return of capital, impact-first and market rate returns
- Target Fundraise
- $1mm+ for direct and co-investment opportunities
- $10mm+ for alternative funds
- $5mm+ for recoverable grants
- Fundraising timeline with at least 3-month capacity
Eligible opportunities must contribute towards the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Our impact framework categorizes opportunities in categories, sectors, and cross-cutting thematic areas, which include energy, oceans and marine life, food and agriculture, health and wellness, racial equity and justice, arts & culture, and more.
Please join our Research Engine by sending us materials and filling out our opportunity submission form. Once CapShift has reviewed your shared materials, our research team will reach out if we are interested in learning more.
Frequently Asked Questions
The company you’ll keep
We’re proud to feature impact opportunities from these leading funds, social enterprises, and nonprofits.